Benefits of Financial Advice
What we do
Make sure that we utilise as many of the tax reliefs and allowances each year
We increase investor protection under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)
Reduce portfolio risk by using sophisticated modelling tools to meet our objective of maximising returns for a given level of risk / risk tolerance
We conduct thorough and robust due diligence and research on all the funds, products and providers that we use
We hold your hand through difficult times - divorce, death and business transition are stressful times – our experience and expertise can help and guide you through
We look at the most efficient platforms to hold your investments to make sure your costs and time delays are minimised
We manage your income in retirement - Pensions freedoms are a great opportunity but you need to understand all the risks as many are not obvious
We select a cost effective wrap platform that can add real value and make monitoring and management of your plans easier
Continuing with a plan can be hard when markets are substantially up or down. Our process is designed to avoid sentimental decisions
Understanding your objectives allows us to be alert to opportunities – new products, new tax freedoms, better strategies
A portfolio today is very different to a historic portfolio – we keep up to date with industry change and developments
We ask you questions in a relaxed but structured way. We help you understand risks and opportunities and we build a clear plan for your future to help you to identify and achieve your financial goals
Risk is a complex subject with many dimensions – we will help you navigate and understand risk to ensure the solutions we recommend meet your needs
People find it difficult to project returns, costs, inflation and their income needs into the future – we use powerful tools to achieve this
Using trusts, wills, and other strategies we can make sure your money ends up in the hands of the people you want when you want them to have it
Your money is likely to grow faster
Your investments are “safer”
Potential improved performance aligned to your attitude to risk
With over 9000 instruments in the UK we save your time while giving you peace of mind
We are there in times of increased need
This feature could save you many £s over the years (and is often missed by investors)
We will help coach you through the options and could extend the amount of years income is provided from your funds
We make sure the platform is cost effective and reliable and meets your individual needs
Research shows that investors may be losing up to 2% a year by falling into common traps – we assist in avoiding these
We are your eyes and ears in ever changing tax, legal and product markets
Reducing costs and increasing efficiency can enhance values dramatically over the years
Without a long-term plan your finances are unlikely to achieve your goals. Our job is to give you confidence in the future
We use our expertise, structured questions and a conversation to guide you to a solution that meets your needs and objectives
Seeing a plan of your future income and expenditure helps to realign your target
Gives you confidence that your wishes are met, your loved ones protected and / or your business secured