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Individual Savings Accounts (ISA)
What is an ISA?
An ISA is a ‘wrapper’ that can hold a wide range of different investment products to help save you tax. You’ll often find that ISAs are sold and marketed as products in their own right.
When might an ISA be for you?
An ISA could be for you if:
You are happy to put your money into a tax-efficient investment
You are looking to tie up your money for at least five years (if Stocks & Shares ISA)
You're aware that the value of your investments can go both up and down
An Individual Savings Account (ISA) is a tax-efficient way to save or invest. UK residents aged 16 and over can choose to save in a Cash ISA or if they are 18 or over, a stocks and shares ISA or a combination of both. Parents or guardians could also open a Junior ISA for children under 18.
The interest on a Cash ISA isn't taxed so all the interest you earn you keep.
Contact us today and we will be pleased to offer independent financial advice in respect of the options available to you. We can search the whole of the market and make a recommendation suitable for your individual circumstances and needs.
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