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Are you holding your savings and investments in the best possible way? We believe that a platform, such as a wrap account, is usually the best way to hold your investments. With a platform all your investments are in one place so they are much easier to manage. The charges are low & the platform often includes a wide variety of tools to help you with your investment strategy, including the ability to view them online - similar to online banking.

But, while a platform may offer benefits you do not receive if you take an investment out directly from a fund management group, there are differences between them.

We use six core platforms but we have access to around 20 Wrap Providers if our research concludes that they are the best option for a particular client. Cost is a large part of our analysis when choosing a platform but we take other criteria into consideration. These include financial strength, assets on the platform, features, availability of funds and customer service and technical support.

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